October 20, 2013 Colorful necklace made for a Newton artist

Evolution of a Custom Order

Polymer clay necklace made for a Newton artist
Colorful necklace made for a Newton artist

It was a case when the future owner of this necklace knew exactly what she wanted. I had my doubts, but decided to play along. And, as the work progressed, the custom order transformed into something somewhat different – and if I may say so, finally, rather beautiful.

But let me start at the beginning.

Unlike some artists or designers, I welcome custom orders.

I know how hard it is to find the piece of your dreams. Besides, from my own bitter experience I know too well that “one size fits most” really means “it fits everyone unless you are too tall or too short.” Bummer. I’m 5′.

When I make a custom order, I show my clients photos of different stages of work process so they know how their orders are progressing and can make adjustments along the way. It help us avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises.

So, this is how a Newton artist described to me the necklace she wanted. Rainbow colors from the middle to the sides, rainbow colors from the sides to the middle. The black necklace on the work surface is mine; I used it for sizing.

Evolution of a custom order - beginning
Evolution of a custom order, stage 1

Fisher Price, anyone? It was a good idea. In theory, it was a very good idea. But the “spacer beads” had to go.

Evolution of a custom order, work in progress

Boooooring… We knew we had to bring something back.

Evolution of a custom order - final stage

And so we did! Now just final touch. Did I mention the necklace was to be decorated with grommets? Yes, those shoe lace holes that actually come in a variety of colors. They go so well with polymer clay jewelry.

Beads on a bead rack, just before being cured

Voila! She loved it and so did I.

The finished piece

Of course, not all custom orders undergo such evolution process. But it was fun and we both enjoyed it a lot.