January 26, 2018 Purse with polymer clay buttons

A Skirt and a Purse

Skirt and purse with extrudinary buttons

It’s probably a strange idea to match skirt and purse, but after I made the skirt, I had a piece of fabric left that was just asking to become a purse. And actually, it all started with a pair of boots I got as a present…

The boots were very cool, but I didn’t have much to wear them with. However, I did have a stack of cloth remnants, an idea, and a lot of polymer clay to make buttons. And though I’m not particularly good at tailoring, I do know how to make a pencil skirt that fits.

So, I bought fabric for the skirt and my home deity blessed the entire project. You can see him in a few photos – he is a very curious creature, always knows when a new surface turns up, and always has to test it, even for a few seconds.

I was going to stop there, but I had a leftover piece of fabric. What I did not have was a purse in the right color scheme. It was not such a big problem, I could find something else to carry with this skirt. But I just happened to love the size and shape of an old Coach purse. So, I had to make a purse. In case you wonder – it’s much harder than making a skirt. But I’m pleased with the results. I’m particularly grateful to Tatyana of Bride’s Dream salon in Wellesley for helping me with the strap – I could not work with such thick leather myself, and a chain I initially was going to use did not look right.