April 12, 2020 Bead crochet - instruments, materials, and unfinished projects

Bead Crochet

Bead crochet - instruments, materials, and unfinished projects

Bead crochet is a crochet technique that incorporates beads into a crochet fabric. The technique is used to produce decorative effects in women’s fashion accessories. […] Published descriptions of bead crochet date from around 1824 although it was probably common before then.

Above is a very dry description quoted fro the Wikipedia. However, in no way does it describe the shimmering luster of seed beads or the texture of a crocheted cord, covered in hundreds and hundreds of beads.

The technique can be used to decorate great many things. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and belts are those that come to mind first. I have also seen Easter eggs, Christmas tree ornaments, and decorative elements sewn on clothes. My my favorites are lariat necklaces with detachable ends, also called transformers.

How is it done? Thousands of seed beads are strung on a thread and then crocheted round and round to form a rope. One needs to maintain the same tension throughout the rope and beads need to lay in the same direction to form an even surface. To crochet a rope with a pattern or an ornament one needs to string the entire pattern/ornament before crocheting, preferably without mistakes. It’s a very time-consuming process that require patience and attention.

It is a surprisingly complicated technique. People often ask me to teach them. I do teach bead crochet, though only on demand. The class is very advanced and requires basic crocheting skill.

Those who already mastered this technique can find useful my Pattern Reader – a tool that narrates a pattern as you’re stringing it. I use this tool to create ornaments on my bracelets and necklaces. The tool is free to use.

I also programmed several patterns for those who don’t want to create pattern files. Feel free to try them. They are suitable for bracelets and thin necklaces; you will find photos on the same page.