August 14, 2019 Light switch plate covers

Light Switch Plates

Light switch plate covers

Take this fun class to make colorful light switch plates that add unique touch to any room.

Students will decorate light switch plates making appliqué with a variety of cutter shapes. They can also create their own shape free-hand.

Students will learn the basics of working with polymer clay: types of clay, conditioning the clay, covering large surface with clay, techniques of shaping clay into design, texturing clay, curing, and cleaning up. They will be encouraged to use their creativity in making designs with basic geometric forms and using everyday objects as tools.

Optionally students can use glow-in-the-dark clay. It is particularly popular with some kids. (On the photo above: moon-and-stars plate and 2 flower plates on pale yellow background.)

Please note: we will use standard one-gang switch covers used for this class. If you need a different configuration is desired, please discuss in advance.

Class length: 2 hours.

Recommended ages: 10+. Students do not have to use knives; however, working with large piece of clay attached to the plate surface takes certain dexterity.

This class is similar to the magnet decorating class I offer for very young students; however, it is more advanced.

Level: easy.

Tools and materials will be provided.

Please note: I do not have a workshop or a class room. Classes take place in my living room (unless arranged otherwise.)

Light switch plate cover that glows in the dark
Light switch plate cover that glows in the dark
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