August 14, 2019 Refrigerator magnets clay class at Kehillath Israel Day Camp

Refrigerator Magnets Class

Polymer clay magnets class at Kehillath Israel Day Camp.
Polymer clay magnets class at Kehillath Israel Day Camp. Theme – nature, in honor of Tu BiShvat. Tu BiShvat, a.k.a. ‘New Year of the Trees‘ is a Jewish holiday, also celebrated as an ecological awareness day.

Fun and educational refrigerator magnets polymer clay class will teach young students to make colorful magnets in a variety of shapes.

Students will use appliqué techniques with a variety of cookie cutter shapes. Butterfly, hamsa, pomegranate, tulip, and flower petal on the photo are just a few examples. Students can also create their own shape free-hand, if they prefer.

Students will be encouraged to use their creativity in making designs using basic geometric forms. Additionally, they will learn age-appropriate basics of working with polymer clay. They will condition the clay, shape it into designs, make appliqués, and apply texture.

Clay Class at Kehillath Israel Day Camp

Upon request refrigerator magnets polymer clay class can have a particular theme. Seasons, nature, Jewish holidays/Rosh ha-Shana, to name a few. For instance, theme of the class on the photos was “nature” in honor of Tu BiShvat. Tu BiShvat, a.k.a. ‘New Year of the Trees’ is a Jewish holiday. It is also an ecological awareness day in modern day Israel.

Ages 5+. Technique used in this class is similar to working with play-dough. If your child is old enough to use play-dough, he/she is old enough to participate in this class.

Class length: 2 hours.

Tools and materials will be provided.

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